Trauma Recovery

It happened so long ago.

You should be able to get over it – to move past it. After all, you’ve been living a good life – until recently.

It happened so long ago – what is wrong, you wonder, to cause you to bring up all this past pain and hurt?

Why, suddenly, all these memories that rear their ugly heads at the least opportune moments and interrupt the rhythm of your days?

Sometimes, you think maybe you should just stop watching the news, but deep down, you know it’s the past, not the present, causing this trouble. But you’ve gone this long in your life without telling anyone. Why now?

Confused. Irritable. Numb.

All you have to do is just forget about it – forget what happened.

Sounds easy enough, but it’s not working. You’re snapping at loved ones, and they’ve started looking at you as if you’re crazy.

So, you isolate yourself. It’s easier just to avoid everyone because you don’t know what else to do, but it’s lonely.

You’re tired of reliving all the hurt and pain, but the memories keep bubbling to the surface more often.

You can’t keep this up.

One minute, you want to run away – the next, you’re lashing out with a razor-sharp tongue. Your over-reactive responses within yourself and toward others are wearing you thin.

But just the thought of sharing your story – reliving the hurt – seems scary and pointless. How could pouring out your soul to a stranger possibly help?

And yet, you’ve heard it can make a real difference.

Caught in the convolutions of your conflicted thinking, you bounce back and forth – but it’s not getting you anywhere. All thought and no action.

But there will never be a better time than right now to get help.

Your life experiences shape who you are, and what happened will always be part of your life story.

But you don’t have to let your past overshadow the entire plot. You can learn to co-exist with it and regain control of your present and future.

While you can’t predict or prevent everything lie throws at you, you can develop new, healthy ways to cope so you can have a more fulfilling life.

Pick up your pen. Open your manuscript. Change your genre.

Sharing your experience requires vulnerability and is an extraordinary act of courage.

But I’ll be here with you every step of the way. I’ll hear and validate every page – without judgment.

And I’ll show you how to rewrite what’s no longer serving you and transform your story from one of life-jarring pain to something better.

Let’s turn the page.

Reach out today at (909) 584-5963, and let me help you break free of what’s been holding you back.

So you can get on with living a satisfying life of joy, peace, and maybe even a little adventure!

Once you’re back in control, you can write more compelling chapters. Who knows what the rest of your story will bring?